“Without our committed professionals and machine operators, the project would have been impossible”

Unique and sustainable sewage solution in Munga
In Munga, which is just north of Västerås, we carried out a special project for Mälarenergi in 2017 and 2018 in the form of a unique and sustainable sewage system.
The just over 280 properties, which consist of both holiday homes and permanent residences, received a new sewage system which was divided into two lines. One for bath, dish and washing water (grey water) and one for toilet water.
– We are building a large-scale facility with a separating system in an already existing building, and it is unique. There are no comparable facilities in Sweden. We have to take care of our resources and think more circularly, said Frida Nolkrantz, head of department Water Market & Distribution at Mälarenergi when the project was carried out.
The system included purification for the grey water which could then be discharged into nearby watercourses and sanitization through storage for the WC water which could then be discharged onto nearby farmland in the form of fertilization.
– As the project was carried out in an existing area with so many properties, and where each property also had a pumpstation installed, solid planning and continuous communication with all residents in the area was required. It always puts high demands on us as a contractor when individuals must be able to live their everyday life so close to our work area, without it affecting the safety and quality of our work, says Tom Andersson, Marketing Manager at Salboheds.
In addition to sewers, the project also included new water pipes and new electricity for the majority of the properties. The ground conditions in the area required both rock blasting and soil reinforcement with wet and unstable areas, something that placed additional demands on both planning and communication with the residents.
– Without our committed professionals and machine operators who handled much of the daily contact with the residents and helped them, the project would have been impossible, concludes Tom Andersson.
- Project: Unique and sustainable sewage solution
- End customer: Mälarenergi
- Construction time: 2017-2018
- Contract: Execution contract