Whistleblower system

Salboheds is part of the Eleda group. Our ambition is to maintain high business ethics and an open business climate in all our contact areas. We want to do the right thing, follow laws, our values and our code of conduct. If you suspect wrongdoing or violations concerning Salboheds, you can report it in our whistleblower system. As a whistleblower, you are offered the opportunity to report anonymously, and to guarantee this, the system is provided by a third party, Hellström Advokatbyrå, who also carry out an evaluation of incoming cases. Salboheds has its own so-called whistleblower unit which then receives, handles and investigates reported information, with support from Hellström Advokatbyrå if required. All reports are treated confidentially and the reporting channel is encrypted and password protected. More information about our whistleblower system, including the whistleblower policy, how reporting of wrongdoing is done and your rights as a whistleblower can be found here;
Link to report https://eledawhistleblowing.hwrs.se
Part of Eleda group
Since 2019, Salboheds has been part of the Eleda group with companies covering all of Sweden and parts of the other Nordic countries. Eleda’s goal is to become the leading infrastructure company in the Nordics, which includes Salboheds as an important contributor to the foundation as a regional company and part of the group management. Through Eledagruppen’s projects, we work towards the important transition of a climate-smarter Sweden.